The Webs We Weave..The Seeds We Sow


There are many kinds of seeds in us, both good and bad. Some were planted during our lifetime, and some were transmitted by our parents, our ancestors, and our society. Our ancestors and our parents have given us seeds of joy, peace, and happiness, as well as seeds of sorrow, anger, and so on.

Every time we practice mindful living, we plant healthy seeds and strengthen the healthy seeds already in us. Healthy seeds function similarly to antibodies. When a virus enters our bloodstream, our body reacts and antibodies come and surround it, take care of it, and transform it. This is true with our psychological seeds as well.

If we plant wholesome, healing, refreshing seeds, they will take care of the negative seeds, even without our asking them.

Excerpt:: Muller, Wayne. “How Then, Shall We Live?


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