Join The Movement
Difference makers in
Activism with Global Peace Workers, Life Rights, and the Sofi Project
We’ve partnered with leaders in non-profits to feed families. We’ve dedicated ourselves to rescuing animals and supporting the unhoused. We were honored to support a school in Haiti, and now, we’re focused on fundraising for Kenya Life Rights. For twenty years, our organization (Global Peace Workers) has been responding to what calls us to make change for the good. And our efforts prove that anyone willing to serve can, most assuredly, change the world for the better!
Join us in making a difference – we’d love to have your support in bringing positivity and light into the world.
Kenya Joins the Efforts of Life Rights.
According to the rich words of Buckminister Fuller, “There is enough for everyone. People think that there isn’t enough, so they get as much as they can, so many people don’t have enough.”
Since 2007, Temple Hayes Ministries and Global Peace Workers have been dedicated to making a difference across the globe. Currently, our goal is supporting families and villages in Kenya.
We believe there is always enough for everyone – if we would only work with a possibility consciousness. Our purpose is to lead by example being difference makers, while showing people from all walks of life how to be in the Spirit of love and law.
In many ways, most of our greatest work is accomplished through the simplest of actions, which is the promise and benefit of working with our principles. With our recent project in Kenya, we have affected change within an entire family and their extended village by sharing and manifesting with them to create a path towards sustainable living.
We know that – more than the obvious implications of this support, beyond survival – our purpose is to ignite the desire for all to live in joy and peace. Genuine compassion is more than a word – it is real. When applied, this energy can be felt in the eyes and hearts of everyone.
The village in Kenya which we are focused on is already shifting and changing with a small amount of giving and support. When those of us who might have more, are willing to share with those who have less, we are impacting the world with our expression of compassion and genuine care by more than words – we bring ACTION!
Since early 2022, our organizations have supported this village to acquire farm animals and this new presence of life and hope has increased significantly since we started. We’re excited to see how much of a tremendous impact we can have together, as we express our knowing of the great power of the mastermind.
Ready to find out more? Get involved with us! We are difference-makers and we’re ready for you to experience the joy and expansion that comes with such a gathering of minds.
Donate today to help villages across the globe.
a peace through people initiative with respect for all of life.
It’s time to make a significant difference in the world by helping people live the principle of respecting the right of all life to live in freedom and in peace.
It is time to live our lives respecting the diversity of our world.
Supporting human rights, civil rights, equal rights, gay rights, religious rights, animal rights, children’s rights, elder rights and the ecological rights of this planet under one universal umbrella is the focus of the Life Rights movement.
Everyone has freedom of thought. Everyone has the right to express that thought as their belief and value system as long as that expression does not infringe upon the right of another to live their life in freedom and peace.
Once we understand the importance of the words, “the right of all to live the life of their intention in freedom and peace” and begin being an example of what it means to live according to that principle, individuals will have a dramatic impact on the lives of others.
Peace will spread.
Respect for freedom becomes the norm around the globe. All have a natural respect for all life and the environment. This mindset, this knowing, is actually a natural part of our being.
The Goal of the Life Rights Movement
Life Rights Mission: expand the knowing to all around the globe that all life is connected. With that knowing, allowing all life to live in freedom and peace is a natural extension of ourselves.
Check out the book that started it all – purchase today for yourself or add this book to the early reading canon of children you love!
Beautifully illustrated and designed for classroom teaching and story time, this book has captured many hearts, and will lighten the imaginations of all people who read it.
Support Life Rights
Supporting human rights, civil rights, equal rights, gay rights, religious rights, animal rights, children’s rights, elder rights and the ecological rights of this planet under one universal umbrella is the focus of the Life Rights movement.
the SOFI Project
A grassroots global movement honoring all living things.
The SOFI Project, headquartered in Florida, is a non-profit organization that supports existing rescue groups, and rehabilitates dogs and cats. The SOFI project in five years supported the adoptions of 350 animals through our founder’s Spiritual Community.
We also support causes which stand for the value of life with all sentient beings. Global Peace Worker and Life Rights donations have helped groups and organizations afford healthcare with animals for families who could not afford it.
It is incredible to witness the hearts through the eyes of these animals when they know they are seen as equal rather than less than. It’s the deeper understanding of what life is all about. When children are taught to honor all living beings, they are usually the children that become adults and have an immense reverence for life.
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