How do you feel about the “right of all to live their intentions in freedom and peace” ?
Each of us has a list of extreme situations that are opposite of who we are. For many these include: physical abuse, crime, war, pollution and repression. Do you remember a person making a comment about you that didn’t feel good? Have you experienced a partner or child saying words in anger that you never thought were possible? Maybe some words have come out of you that you never thought were possible. Do you find yourself judging a co-worker, a person of different size, age, color or point of view opposite of yours?
Life Rights is the consciousness of Unconditional Love for all life and the planet earth that is our home. Unconditional Love is natural for us once we become aware and then know we are all connected. When we help another we are helping ourselves. The reverse is also true.
Life Rights is our “Source Thought” about life and our home, planet Earth. Our Source Thought is the wisdom manifest from the Highest Power in ourselves. God writes in “Conversations With God” documented by Neale Donald Walsh, “Mine is always your Highest Thought, your Clearest Word, your Grandest Feeling……The Highest Thought is always that which contains joy. The Clearest Words are those which contain truth. The Grandest Feeling is that feeling which you call love.”
I don’t feel joy when I experience trash on our landscape, see images of hunger, read of incarceration, or experience laws made for the convenience of lawmakers.
Life Rights is our Source Consciousness. All thoughts opposite of freedom and peace for all originate from separateness thinking. Some refer to this as thinking from our ego or feelings from what Eckhart Tolle calls pain bodies. The label is not important. Understanding that separateness thinking is the source of negative situations is important. Being one with the consciousness of God while understanding it is God’s intention for each one of us to be unique is important.
Divine Unconditional Love is one accepted definition of God. We are individual manifestations of God and our Source Consciousness is Divine Unconditional Love. Any thoughts, feelings or words containing anything less than Divine Unconditional Love are opportunities for us to clear the blockages to Divine Grace within us. As we do and truly become as individuals what we know as Oneness, all will be living in freedom and peace.
I conclude the same way I started : “how does this feel to you” ? I stand for Life Rights. Life Rights is my life’s mission. The Life Rights Initiative that I founded is a consciousness focus. The consciousness of love, freedom and peace. Please notice love, freedom and peace are marvelous feelings not linked to a particular faith. Love, freedom and peace are a way of life that is possible if we allow it.
If you feel this consciousness is where you want to be, then begin by considering the following:
Step 1. Please register at
Step 2. Join the Life Rights group at The group’s address is If you are not familiar with Facebook a great way to start is to activate a profile (all free). One you have an active account, search on Temple Hayes and add me as a friend. Steve Pohlit, Executive Director of Life Rights will also welcome you as a friend. You will soon find you have a growing list of wonderful like-minded friends.
Step 3. You may feel you would like to help a child or possibly an entire classroom. My book The Right To Be You which is found at helps all and especially children understand they have the right to live in freedom and peace. It helps all understand we are intended to become our individual pure potentiality.
I appreciate you! I am grateful for you! I appreciate your interest in Life Rights and send you the energy of Love and Abundant Blessings.
Temple Hayes.