Mastermind Guidance From Temple Hayes

Hello, this is Steve Pohlit and I am sharing with you today a Guidance Process I recently published for the members of a membership site Manifest Mastermind.  The Mastermind Principles Process started during one of the Life Rights initiative meetings Temple and I  have nearly every week.

In this particular meeting Temple explained to me the Mastermind Principles process she has been using for quite some time. I believe she said over 30 years. That of course means she started when she was a little girl. Right? 🙂

We started this process and I felt the energy shift almost immediately.  Several months later I adopted what she led me to for a new venture that was launched in January of this year.  The following was published on the blog and in the community for that venture. The key points of for forming a mastermind and how to proceed are presented as published.

Thank you Temple for your wisdom and teachings.  I hope all readers use this guidance in their lives and enjoy it as much as I have.

Title: Napoleon Hill Made It Clear: Mastermind Is Not Optional

” A Master Mind may be created through the bringing together or blending, in a spirit of perfect harmony, of two or more minds. Out of this harmonious blending the chemistry of the the mind creates a third mind which may be appropriated and used by one or all of the individual minds. The Master Mind will remain available as long as the friendly harmonious alliance between the individual minds exist. It will disintegrate and all evidence of its former existence will disappear the moment the friendly alliance is broken.”
Napoleon Hill, Law of Success

To clarify one point, Mr. Hill is affirming two or more harmonious minds bonds with a third connector which is God..Divine Intelligence. When the energy fields of two or more people are in alignment with Source energy the guidance that emerges is nothing short of amazing.

Today we launched the Mastermind Connect group in the Manifest Mastermind Private Community This coincides with the release of our detailed Guidance Process on the the intent of the Mastermind, how to select Mastermind group members and how to conduct a Mastermind session whether in person or remote.

Our members received a detailed example of exactly how I use the Mastermind Process with my business partner and mastermind partner Brian Campbell. Our members have a great community of like minded people to begin forming their connections with as well as forming their Mastermind groups. This process started almost as soon as the doors were opened.

We are pleased to provide you with key steps for forming your own Mastermind. In Napoleon Hill’s books Think and Grow Rich and The Laws of Success he is emphatic on the importance of a Mastermind in the accomplishment of nearly every major milestone.

I read and studied the idea of the mastermind decades ago and essentially accepted it but did not really implement it. I have experienced great teachers and mentors, but never did I become part of a mastermind, until very recently. Since that time, I have felt the earth and stars move. I have felt energy shift while in a mastermind session and I have experienced instant intended results during a mastermind session.

I have my own experience as well as knowing of the experience of others from their testimonials and those documented in literature. With all of that irrefutable evidence, I say to you that having the right mastermind partner or group is the single best relationship anyone can have for supporting and guiding the achievement of their intentions.

The right mastermind person or persons plus the process you will learn here will be like an ignition switch for a rocket that takes you to manifesting your dreams.

One other piece of background information and then you will recive the specific action steps on how to proceed:

I was introduced to the mastermind principles and process that you are now receiving by Rev. Temple Hayes. She is a wonder New Thought Minister of the Unity Church in St. Petersburg, Florida.

I work with Temple on a social cause project, Life Rights, where we have the intention of creating awareness of the consciousness of freedom and peace on a global scale.

The co-founder of Manifest Mastermind is Brian Campbell. He is my mastermind partner and business partner for the business of Manifest Mastermind.

I am personally passionate about Manifest Mastermind and the mission of Life Rights whose idea is Temple’s. I have two separate mastermind partners as there are two distinct missions. However with two distinct missions there is a common belief system. I work with people who are in alignment with my core values and beliefs.

We begin the Manifest Mastermind Guidance Processes with the clear direction that each of us must have a purposeful definition of our intentions based on our dreams and desires. We must arrive at what we are committed to manifesting based on our pure potentiality. This first step is a requirement for an effective mastermind.

A mastermind is two or more people in alignment with your intentions. There are no rules. However, we recommend you consider separate mastermind members for each of the following areas:


You may find a person or more who can be an excellent mastermind partner that is able to relate to your financial and your personal dreams. Remember you are looking for guidance and people who will hold you accountable for what you commit to do. This is not a chat session. These are very purposeful meetings with ideas and action steps resulting from them.


Let’s say you have a business and you want to improve the profitability of that business. An effective mastermind partner is one who has experience doing that. The rest of the equation is that you should be able to help them with their financial objectives. You don’t need to be an expert in their business. However if you are not able to help them, the mastermind will be short lived. If you are inexperienced in business you may need a mastermind coach and that is different than a mastermind partner. Generally a mastermind coach is a person you

You may be in a position where you have a job and want to change or you are looking for a position. A mastermind partner connecting on dreams and desires will help you stay objective in your mindset and balanced.

[Great resources for business advice include: and the latest training published by Brian at
All this material is free. It works if you do your part.]

A mastermind partner in the area of health can be someone you exercise with or can be a person who you develop new ideas about eating and drinking. A mastermind is not intended to deal with addiction matters or replace other situations where professional assistance is appropriate.

A mastermind partner can be very helpful in the area of relationships if there is a mutual understanding and intent to focus on what you need to be to attract the person of your dreams. Mastermind partners should not be looked at as a replacement for professional counselors.

There are no limits on the purpose for you mastermind partner or group. However masterminds take time so we advise you form your mastermind based on how you prioritized your dreams. You can expand the number of masterminds after you are making significant progress with one. Or maybe you have two where one meets several times a week and another meets less frequently.

Keys To Success

There must be harmony. This is achieved by clear definition of purpose and agreement on the purpose. But there is more:

……Every successful mastermind has this one element: positive energy vibrations labeled harmony…every one!!!

Each member should feel they are able to contribute as well as receive.

Each member must be open to candid helpful comments and evaluations from others.

Meeting in person is not required. An agreement to communicate at a certain time and frequency is an integral part of an effective mastermind.

Agreement as to the length of the meetings.

Agreement to take the actions agreed to during the meetings.

Forming a mastermind with a spouse or relative can be effective. However, this should be carefully evaluated as people close to you may not be objective and you may not be as receptive to their ideas and suggestions. Every successful mastermind that we have read about or been active in has been with people who are not related.

Concluding a Mastermind

If harmony is disrupted the mastermind should end. The key in evaluating the level of harmony is the level of positive energy vibrations that are felt during the mastermind sessions. If the energy consistently become neutral or negative, it is time to end the mastermind.

When the intended purpose for forming the mastermind is achieved, it is time to conclude the mastermind.

Sources for Mastermind Partners

Manifest Mastermind Private Community


Civic Organizations

Professional Organizations

Recommendations from others

Intending to be in a mastermind and being aware of the messages you receive from God. For example, I had no idea that I would be working with Temple Hayes on a global initiative. One that many people are yet to appreciate and soon will. But I followed an Divine message and took action and the development of Life Rights is very exciting.

I had no idea or would have ever guessed that Brian Campbell would become a highly valued mastermind partner. Looking back I can now see how many of the dots were formed and then became connected. Our connection started out focused on the business. Then I sent him the Mastermind Principles that Temple shared with me. A short while later he said to me “shouldn’t we be using the Mastermind Principles?” See the teacher is always a student as well.

Mastermind Principles

Again…there are no rules. The following is the process Brian and I follow each week and is adapted from a similar approach that Temple and I use weekly.

Mastermind Principles Sequence:

Cleansing prayer

Mastermind prayer


Closing covenant

Cleansing Prayer

We open our Mastermind Principles with the intent of allowing ourselves to be directly connected to the Divine Wisdom and Divine Intelligence of God that we also refer to as Source Energy.

We use the h0’oponopono cleaning grace. This is explained in a short video at and additional support is offered at the Facebook group Ho’oponopono

One person leading or all in the mastermind can say this prayer.

Mastermind Principles Prayer

In this phase, the mastermind participants affirm the power of the mastermind. Each phrase can be ready jointly, or one person can lead and there can be an alternating sequence with one person reading one phrase and another person reading a subsequent phrase. Again, go with what feels right to you.


This is where each member states their desired intentions. We advise beginning with a statement of gratitude. Notice the sequencing:

1. Cleaning blockages (Guidance Process 3)
2. Statement of Gratitude (Guidance Process 2)
3. Clear definition of Intentions (Guidance Process 1)

The synchronicity is that we have covered in reasonable depth the key elements of the Mastermind Principles Process. We encourage you to understand the importance of being specific with your intentions. Don’t leave the Universe guessing. Send clear energy as to what you want.

Closing Covenant

This affirms the covenant with the mastermind for the manifestation of the expressed intentions.

Mastermind Principles Process Example:

The following is most of what Temple and I do at the start of each meeting. Brian and I follow this  4 to 5 times a week and precedes our detailed discussion regarding our progress toward our intentions. Notice this precedes the detailed mastermind meeting which generally remains focused on the strategies and actions we are implementing to achieve our business intentions.

Mastermind Principles

Begin Every Mastermind Meeting as Follows or With a Similar Opening:

1. Ho’oponopono Cleaning

Take a few deep breathes to center your focus then one person can say:

The intention of this mastermind meeting is to connect with our Source Energy, the Divine Wisdom and Divine Intelligence of God for purposes of guiding our intentions. We now ask that all blockages to this Energy known or unknown during our lives or preceding us throughout the course of time be removed. For any such blockages (the flowing can be said by one person or by the group)

I Am Sorry – For any blockages known or unknown that I am part of whether consciously or not

Please Forgive Me – I am allowing me to forgive myself for any role in any blockages to the Divine Energy of God.

Thank You – I thank God for the wisdom of knowing of blockages and to be able to release such blocks.

I Love You – I have unconditional love for the Divine Essence of God in me and in all.

2. Mastermind Prayer: These Seven Mastermind Principles

1) I Release…I release myself to the mastermind because I am stronger when I have others to help me.

2) I Believe…I believe the combined intelligence of the mastermind creates a wisdom far beyond my own.

3) I Understand…I understand that I will more easily create positive results in my life when I am open to looking at myself and my state, situations and opportunities from another’s point of view.

4) I Decide…I decide to release my desires totally to the trust of the mastermind. I am open to accepting new possibilities.

5) I Forgive…I forgive myself for the mistakes I have made, I also forgive others who have hurt me in the past so that I can move into the future with a clean slate.

6) I Ask…I ask the mastermind to hear what I really want. My goals, my dreams, my desires. I hear my mastermind partners supporting me in my fulfillment.

7) I Accept…I know, relax and accept; believing that the working power of the mastermind will respond to my every need. I am grateful knowing this is so.

At this point a mastermind member declares their individual dreams and desires (ex. Financial, relationship, health)

Steve’s Intentions for Manifest Mastermind. Temple and I share additional intentions related to our goals for Life Rights. This is an example. Carefully choose your own words and freely modify over time.)


I am grateful for all that I am and all that I have. I am grateful for the progress of Manifest Mastermind, all members, subscribers and those becoming aware of Manifest Mastermind. I am grateful for the technology that allows us to develop and grow this business and achieve our goal of the greatest good for the greatest number of people. I am grateful for my mastermind partner and the people we are attracting.


I am receiving the Divine Wisdom and Intelligence of the Mastermind that guides me to providing leadership that achieves the intended business goal ………………(This or something better according to the will of God.)

I intend to attract people who will teach me and guide me so I am able to be a global leader that attracts millions of people who will benefit from the wisdom and resources of Manifest Mastermind.

I intend to be guided to providing increasing valuable content and resources to all paying members, free subscribers and those touched by Manifest Mastermind in the public arena.

I intend to exceed the highest expectations of my mastermind and business partner.

I intend to be respectful of all views while demonstrating increasingly valuable leadership. I very purposely intend to use discernment, be grateful for all experiences and be in a non-judgmental state.

I intend to be respectful of my physical and mental energy and be continually guided to the actions that optimize my physical and mental well – being.

I intend to attract the professional and personal relationships that complement my intentions.

In response another mastermind member affirms this persons intention are already manifest.

For example Brian might say: “ Steve I honor your intentions and our manifest partner Divine Source Energy affirms your intentions as expressed or otherwise are manifest and appearing at the perfect time and place.

Dedication and Covenant

All Members Now Say Individually or Together…

“ We now have a covenant in which it is agreed that the Mastermind shall supply us with an abundance of all things necessary to live a success-filled and happy life.

I dedicate myself to be of maximum service to God and my fellow human beings, to live in a manner that will set the highest example for others to follow and to remain an open channel of God’s will. I go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement and expectancy.”

And So It Is

Mastermind Partners Meeting:

Following the Mastermind Principles Process the detailed meeting should commence. Guidelines for this meeting include:

1. A meeting agenda
2. Generally the process should be in alignment with highest priority intention.
3. Each meeting should begin with a review of what was agreed to the prior meeting and the status of those agreements. Remember this is a mastermind and not an employer/employee relationship. However, the mastermind agreement is that each person makes commitments to take action and agrees to be held accountable. There is no purpose of the mastermind without the commitment and accountability.
4. At the conclusion of the meeting there should be a fresh set of commitments and targeted timelines for achievement.


In this example I will use a business owner who intend to grow their company to $300,000 per month revenue with a pre-tax net income of 10%. Currently the business is at $100,000 per month and the pre-tax profit is 5%.

The first question I would ask is what is the timeframe for the intended goal. If the answer is next month, I would say that is unrealistic. If the answer is in 18 months or 24 months, that could be realistic depending on the business.

Let’s say that $300,000 per month is realistic in 24 months. That means the owner has 24 months to grow their business to $200,000 a month more than what they are doing now. So I might ask how they are planning to add $10,000 a month of additional revenue per month on average between now and then.

In the course of this discussion I might see advantages and disadvantages not recognized by the owner. This is almost always the case when someone independent of a person’s situation looks at the intentions including intentions in the areas of relationships and health.

Action Steps:

Specific Action Steps:

1. Find 3-5 people who share similar intentions and begin connecting with them to see how you feel about them as potential mastermind partners.
2. Select 2 or more of these people and introduce the idea of testing a mastermind partnership.
3. Have phone or Skype conversations with those who are interest and be open to all developments based on how you feel. Monitor your energy level. Is the energy flow positive or not.
4. Agree to test the idea with both parties acknowledging that to say this is not working for them is perfectly fine. You want to agree to maintain a positive relationship whether the mastermind idea works out with them or not.

Sending you energy of peace, happiness, prosperity

Manifest Mastermind
Steve Pohlit, Brian Campbell Co-Founders

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(Temple will soon be on Twitter.)

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