A Fork in the Road


All amazing human beings come to understand that there is a forked path in life: the path of familiarity (our families, our earthly story) and the original and unique path of our destiny (our sacred lives, our creation story). The path on which we will be awake and fully alive is as unique as our fingerprints. There is no one else who can walk it or be on it for us.

Those of you who are feeling as if you are dying a bit every day, I understand. I died a lot before I was a teenager. You are not dying because it’s too hard to be you, however. You are dying because you are not being you; that’s what makes life hard.

Your light is your energy, your gift to the world. And your lightness of being is your gift to yourself. Making a decision to stop dying will greatly increase your capacity to start living and to manifest your true purpose in life. You will now begin to shine.

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