Resentment gets re-sent and re-sent in our lives. When we
hold discord in our bodies towards someone else, we are
affected spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Often, the lack of forgiveness contributes to the lack of
abundance and creativity in our lives.
Forgiveness is the opportunity FOR GIVING to
ourselves in a much greater way, versus holding anger and
energy that takes away from our good. In Unity, we believe
forgiveness in not a special event which happens every
now and then. It is a way of living life every day. We end
the day with a prayer of forgiveness for any moment in
that day in which we showed any behavior which was less
than the expression of our Christ consciousness.
When we forgive others, we remove the blocks of
resentment and allow more good to flow into our lives.
When we forgive ourselves, we take responsibility for our
actions and step further into our spiritual magnificence.