What is Soul Retrieval


To understand soul retrieval, it is first essential to understand and to embody that we are an energy force and an energy field and that we are here to live our entire lifetime as energetic beings. There are many people who do not want you to believe this because a lot of products would not be sold, a lot of pharmaceuticals would not be necessary, and we would expand our cultural reality from being told what to do and living in a box to becoming self-reliant and immersed in the energy of God. We would truly be eagles and thriving trees and would develop such a powerful realization of how great our God can be.

The second thing to understand is that the only way we can walk through various experiences is to somewhat “check out,” or leave our bodies. We become naturally anesthetized in order to cope with tragic and shocking experiences. This is why when people go through tragic things, they often cannot get in touch with the memories of those moments in therapy because they literally became nonpresent in their bodies in order to deal with the event and what they were feeling. Our bodies are designed perfectly, so when we experience shock to our system in any way, there is an automatic anesthetized response that allows us to adjust to the change. These are the moments when many people are fragmented, when they were not “at home” but had checked out in order to survive the loss. Therefore, they can’t consciously call back the moment, the energy, or the memory because they weren’t there. They were not mentally “at home” in their bodies when this shock occurred.

After people have had surgery, been in automobile accidents, or experienced tragic loss, for a year or more they often cannot focus clearly or keep up with what is going on around them. They often double-book appointments or forget to show up for them. They make major changes much too soon. This is really normal in how we cope energetically; however, some people never come back. Thus there is soul loss and fragmentation, and they do not return to being an eagle or a thriving tree.

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