Dear Friends,
Like Thomas, the little engine that could, we all need to move beyond “I think I can” to “I know I can make a difference in this world.” At its core, the message of this book is very simple: Love thy neighbor as thyself. But like all simple truths, it’s complicated, and it took me a long time to taste that truth. I was raised a Southern Baptist and came of age at a time when Civil Rights and Women’s Rights were in full force and Gay Rights, Animal Rights and Religious Rights were being hotly debated. We seemed to be screaming at each other: “love only those neighbors who look like us and believe the same things.”
I wanted to bring all those different rights under one umbrella: Life Rights which covers everyone. And that means you have the right to be you. Excerpt taken from article in Natural Awakenings Magazine written by Rebecca Johnson who interviewed Temple Hayes. It’s really true – the more you fall in love with your life, the more your life falls in love with you.
In New Thought we would call this working with the law of cause and effect. Our ancestors would call it common sense. I would say that life constantly mirrors to us our spiritual journey – the one we are awake to and the space which is awakening before us. One Sunday, I mentioned the statement by Mark Twain, “There are two important days in a person’s life, one is the day you were born and the other is when you find out why.”
Loving life, Temple Hayes
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