2015 is universally an EIGHT year, which brings the focus toward accomplishments in business, industry and career. The efforts from the last eight years combined with the motives from 2014 bring the results into fruition. 2008 was the beginning ONE year of this current nine-year cycle, is now culminating efforts, projects and purpose. EIGHT becomes a very busy and active year and will provide a faster pace with greater requirements for accomplishments.
As Moon shifts into communication-oriented Gemini on New Year’s Day, a lot of information will be flying around with thoughts and ideas to consider. Mars in Aquarius reaches the 22 degree connection with Jupiter in Leo at 22 Leo. This provides the spur to connect with other people that have similar goals and aspirations toward the creative projects you have been pursuing. From this connection point, many discussions will begin to open up to determine how to connect and continue the creative projects into accomplishment. This aspect will also begin to shift people into different positions because of the new alignment formed for 2015.
Saturday Sun connects with Pluto, which highlights the need to jump into action and to do things in new ways. Pluto in Capricorn has provided the transforming energy to do business in new ways, with a new approach and new attitude. Sun highlights that it is time to set new energies into motion that will unfold new business approach, connecting people together that have similar attitudes and focus.
As Mercury moves into Aquarius on January 4th, preparations for the Mercury retrograde will begin as shifts and changes occur for people to line up with others of similar philosophies and mental concepts. Musical chairs will begin to occur within the business arena as people vacate positions in favor to align with others that are similarly geared toward this new business approach. 2015 brings in a faster pace, new business approach and major revisions of directions and business missions.